Saturday, November 1, 2008

Nice, quiet Halloween

Well, since we were all sick, we just stayed home and had a nice, quiet Halloween. I still dressed the boys up for pictures. Hopefully next year we can beat the curse!

"Go ahead, make my day."

"Man, this thing is itchy!"


Ryan + Jess said...

They look so CUTE!! Hope you get feelin' better.

Crystal said...

ha! Cute. We missed you at the par-tay.

Helena said...

How considerate you are, not spreading disease and all. The boys look darling. Did Bryant pick his costume?
Did you and Ben dress up?
We'd better send the poor boys some of our candy.

Leilani said...

Helena: Actually, Bryant already had most of his costume so I just picked up a hat and bandana. He wanted to be a fireman spiderman...I wasn't sure what that looks like. I was supposed to be an angel and Ben was supposed to be a crazy BYU football fan (he already had everything for that...hah.) Thanks for the candy offer, but we still have all the candy that we didn't pass out. Crystal: yeah we missed being there. Jessica: sounds like you're feeling better!

cate said...

Halloween is always best with little people. I mean what other boy than one under the age of 12 can you convince to wear a multi colored clown suit and then shoot countless candid pictures of him? This will be the stuff that really haunts him during his courting years...

They both are oh so cute though.