Wednesday, July 29, 2009

hot hot hot

It's 95 degrees right our house...lucky us...we're leaving now and not coming back until it's at least 85 degrees.


Mary said...

Oh my goodness! Is your a/c broken?

Sabrina said...

Are you sure you live in Seattle? That looks like something we would have to deal with. If it makes you feel any better, I went out with Adie tonight so she could play in her sandbox after dark in the backyard. It was 8 pm and 91 degrees, even without the sun. Oh the joys of summer!

Leilani said...

Mary: It doesn't get this hot very often if at all here so a/c isn't worth it to put in houses here.

Sabrina: Yikes, you guys are warm too. Man, I thought I left hot weather behind when I left Utah.