Friday, July 27, 2012

Ant update

Whoa, has it really been over two years since I've blogged?  I guess having a third child really rocked my world.  Anyway, I was randomly looking at my stats today and saw that my previous ant post had a page view so I thought I would update.  

So we tried:
-pepper: Deters them temporarily
-peppermint oil soaked cotton balls: Also a temporary fix
-raid: Yes, believe it or not this doesn't work permanently
-cleaning (apparently diry kitchen attract pests): Works temporarily..until you want to eat again
-peanut butter based ant traps: Worthless
-peanut butter mixed with borax: Worthless (apparently the ants we have prefer sugar over oil)
-sugar mixed with borax and water: I don't think my recipe was very good.  The ants couldn't take it back to their queen because they drowned in my pathetic poison
-ant powder around the house: Not sure if this helped because there is a very real possibility that my ants live in my walls (ugh)
-caulking: Ok, so we didn't caulk the whole house.  Do you know how long that would take to find each and every possible little hole and fill it with caulk?

I'm sure there were more ways we tried but I can't think of anymore.  It's been a while.  Anyway, now to what you've been waiting for.  What HAS worked (at least worked for more than a month.)  Thanks to one of my besties for tell me about this product.

Terro traps

You can get them at Home Depot.  Why have I not seen them before now?  I think they're basically like the sugar/borax mix I made but these work SO much better.

Anyway, we set out traps everywhere we had seen ants and left for a weekend.  When we came back this is what we saw:

Almost all the traps were full.  And there were still ants coming.  Yuck.

We've had to refresh the traps a few times but all in all, a month later and we're still ant free.  And this is ant season.  We're sooooo incredibly happy.  Maybe this will work for you if you have those annoying little sugar ants.  Good luck.

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