Thursday, September 4, 2008

They make sweatshirts for me!

And the company my husband works for is the one who sells them!...well, selling them for a company called Direct Collection...whoever they are. I was totally excited to blog about this until my husband made me realize that I had to admit I was googling my name...well what used to be my name. Which kinda makes the sweatshirt not as impressive, but hey, it's still impressive! You COULD buy it here...and change "Bryant" to "Sauer," but apparently it's not available right now. Not sure how they picked my name. Weird...and kinda scary. Or how they decided to put my name on a sweatshirt...ick.


Helena said...

What are the odds?! That's crazy.

Ryan + Jess said...

I'll have to go out and buy one...and you are still Leilani Bryant to me :) How fun

Crystal said...

eek! I Googled my name about 4 years ago found a HORRIBLE photo of me. Thank goodness it's been pushed back (I bet you're going to go and find my horrible photo now, huh?)

Crystal said...

oh...and I'm almost positive that you have a secret admirer somewhere in the world. Your name isn't all that common.